Bear Mountain Substation

Contractor(s): Black and McDonald
Agreement: Inside Electrical Workers Collective Agreement

The Dawson Creek/Chetwynd Area Transmission (DCAT) Project consists of:

  • Construction of Sundance Lakes Substation, a new facility located off Highway 97, 19 kilometres east of Chetwynd. Sundance Lakes will be built on Crown land and will allow more electricity to be transferred to the Dawson Creek area. It will also provide support to the Chetwynd area if one of the the transmission lines feeding Chetwynd is out of service.
  • A large expansion of Bear Mountain Terminal, located 12 km west of the city of Dawson Creek, converting it from a switching station to a full substation.
  • A small expansion to Dawson Creek Substation.
  • Two new double-circuit transmission lines. One 60-km double circuit will connect Sundance Lakes Substation to Bear Mountain Terminal, and the 12 km-long second double circuit will link Bear Mountain Terminal and Dawson Creek Substation.
  • A passive reflector near Chetwynd Substation, to reflect communication signals between Sundance Lakes and Chetwynd. The billboard-like structure, which stands about 15 metres high, does not require power.


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