B.C.’s anti-democratic Bill 18 discriminates against union activists

Posted on November 28, 2011 9:22 am


Vancouver (28 Nov. 2011) - The B.C. Government and Service Employees Union (BCGEU/NUPGE) is mounting a fight against the provincial Liberal government' attempt to block union activists from seeking leadership positions within college, institute and university Board of Governors.

Bill 18 - the Advanced Education Statutes Amendment Act - which has been introduced to the B.C. legislature with no consultation or notification, contains anti-democratic changes to the College and Institute Act that would:

Ban union activists involved in collective bargaining or dispute resolution activities from being elected as staff representatives on college, institute and university Boards of Governors;

Prohibit elected board members from serving as board chair; and

Give government-appointed board members unprecedented powers to remove elected staff members from the board with a 2/3 majority vote.

The proposed amendments are not only undemocratic, but likely contravene union members' constitutional rights to freedom of association.

via B.C.'s anti-democratic Bill 18 discriminates against union activists | National Union of Public and General Employees.