B.C. smart meter opponents seeking signatures

Posted on November 25, 2011 8:11 am


A citizen's group says it might use B.C.'s Recall and Initiative Act to try to stop BC Hydro's plans to install smart meters.

Stop Smart Meters.ca says the government is ignoring information that proves the new devices are a health hazard and pose a potential invasion of privacy.

Organization spokesman Walt McGinnis said the minister responsible for BC Hydro, Rich Coleman, has ignored a resolution passed at this year’s convention of the Union of B.C. Municipalities calling for a moratorium on smart meter installation.

"We've been left with no other choice,” said McGinnis. “The government's decided to proceed without consulting the public and we have no other option but to bring a little democracy into this province."

via B.C. smart meter opponents seeking signatures - British Columbia - CBC News.