BC Federation of Labour 2018 Convention IBEW, Industry News, Site Photos Posted on December 4, 2018 9:41 am Glen by the mic John Horgan with Chris Sherman BC Fed Convention Laird Cronk on stage Laird Cronk on stage Darryl with Jagmeet Singh Darryl Schmidt, Doug McDonald, Glen Hilton Jagmeet Singh on stage Jagmeet Singh on stage Jagmeet Singh on stage Jagmeet Singh on stage Jim Lofty (IBEW 213) and Darryl Schmidt Ray Keen, BM of IBEW 1003 Ray Keen, BM of IBEW 1003 John Horgan on stage John Horgan on stage John Horgan on stage Sussanne Skidmore, Harry Bains, Laird Cronk John Horgan and Glen Hilton John Horgan and Glen Hilton Darryl Schmidt, Laird Cronk, Adam Van Steinburg, Glen Hilton, Jim Lofty, Mandeep Saggu Lorne Fisher and John Horgan BC Fed Convention Darryl (993 Dispatcher) with Corey (230 Dispatcher) CUPW Demonstration outside the conference CUPW Demonstration outside the conference CUPW Demonstration outside the conference CUPW Demonstration outside the conference CUPW Demonstration outside the conference CUPW Demonstration outside the conference CUPW Demonstration outside the conference BC Fed Convention Lorne and Darryl Lorne Fisher with Laird Cronk, the new President of the BC Federation of Labour Glen Hilton with Matt Wayland, Executive Assistant to the IVP & Canadian Director of Government Relations