Changes to How Hearing Tests Will Be Conducted

Industry News, Training
Posted on May 21, 2020 3:05 pm


Audio Lab is part of phase 2 in reopening BC businesses which means we will be able to offer our hearing test and respirator fit testing services in the upcoming weeks.

Due to COVID-19 and the physical distance requirements of 6 feet, WorkSafeBC has made changes on how hearing tests will be conducted for the next while.

Changes to how hearing tests will be conducted:

  • Our employees will be wearing a surgical or N95 mask when at your site
  • Your employees are required to wear a surgical or N95 mask when in our truck (you supply)
  • We will be testing 1 employee at a time every 10 minutes
  • Headphones and the response switch will be disinfected after each hearing test
  • All touchpoints that your employee may touch will be disinfected upon exiting the truck
  • If there are any forms to be filled out by your employee, we will ask them the questions and record their responses on the forms.

We wanted to give you advance notice of these changes and requirements so that when our office contacts you to schedule your annual hearing tests, you will be prepared by having the surgical or N95 masks available for your employees to wear during their test and aware that testing will currently take longer as we test 6 people per hour instead of 8 per hour now.