20180427 7706468
This is an enabled job
The wage rate will be $36.55 per hour
The RRSP for JW will be $3.10 per hour earned
All overtime worked within the scheduled shift cycles shall be paid at one and a half times (1.5X) the employees basic hourly rate. Any work performed beyond ten (10) scheduled hours and up to twelve (12) hours worked in a day shall be paid at one and three quarters (1.75X) times the employee’s basic hourly rate. Any work performed beyond twelve (12) hours in a day shall be paid at double the employee’s basic hourly rate. Any work performed on Statutory Holidays shall be paid at one and three quarters times (1.75X) the employees basic hourly rate.
If used, blended shift cycles shall be:
10/4 – All days worked shall be paid at 6 hours straight time and 4 hours at one and one half times the employee’s basic hourly rate (1.5X). = 120%
21/7 – All days worked shall be paid at 6 hours straight time and 4 hours at one and one half times the employee’s basic hourly rate (1.5X). = 120%
20/8 – All days worked shall be paid at 6 hours straight time and 4 hours at one and one half times the employee’s basic hourly rate (1.5X). = 120%