Expansion of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

Posted on November 29, 2011 2:13 pm


From Phil Flemming, our International Vice President:

With the current pension system, we are at risk of facing a crisis in Canada. Many Canadians do not have enough savings to live with dignity in retirement after a lifetime of working. But we have the opportunity to put it back on track for all working Canadians.

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) "Retirement Security for Everyone" campaign is a Canadian solution, for ALL Canadians, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, and whether they are unionized or non-unionized. Over 60 percent of working Canadians have no workplace pension. More than 33 percent of all seniors receiving public pensions (Old Age Security & CPP) earn less than $11,000 per year. CPP offers a cost-effective approach and is not subject to high management fees or the volatility of the stock market. This formula can ensure Canadians can live out their retirement in dignity.

It's time that our politicians hear our voices and concerns regarding our current CPP. It's time to move Canada forward, by putting Canadians first! I am asking you to encourage your members to write to their respective Member of Parliament in support of the CLS's campaign to double CPP benefits. Please find the attached letter for the members to use or they can visit our website.

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