IBEW 993 Frequently Asked Questions



Yes. You can fine some online training options available on the Western Jets website (http://wjets.ca).

You will need to create an account for the Western Jets website if you haven’t already in order to see the information.

Once you’re logged in, under “Training” on the main navigation menu, choose “Online Training”.

If you need CSTS-09 (Construction Safety Training System) training, please contact Joann at joann@ibew993.org.

Link to individual FAQ

All training requests for IBEW 993 are done through the Western Jets website (http://wjets.ca)..

You will need to create an account on the Western Jets website if you haven’t already. You account for the IBEW 993 website will not work because they are two separate websites.

Once you’re logged in to the Western Jets website, under “Training” on the main navigation menu, choose “Training Request”

Link to individual FAQ

Click on a question with a "" beside it to see the answer