John Horgan Made the Right Choice for BC’s Future

Posted on December 12, 2017 8:17 am

On behalf of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 993 I would like to express support for the BC Governments decision to continue on with building of the Site ā€œCā€ Dam. First and foremost we are a construction organization, we along with our Building Trades Sisters and Brothers have since 1947 built the Dams of this province. This one will be different because of the controversy surrounding its initial approval and subsequent review but not in the fact that it will add to the inventory of Province Building Capability.

Premier John Horgan was left no choice in this decision if they had cancelled it would have made doing any meaningful work in government to help working class families more difficult because the remediation cost would have to be paid now and would have affected the immediate budgets of all ministries.

Now we move forward, our organization is dedicated to insuring that a diverse and Northern British Columbian Workforce be assembled to complete the work at hand. I am personally appalled at the lack of apprentices (4%) on the project so far and will make sure as we did at the last major Northern Job get that number up. We had at 25 plus percent apprentices at Kitimat Modernization because if you do not build skilled workers you do not build a future.

I look forward to working with BC Hydro to finish this efficiently and most importantly safely for all of B.C.