Mike van Hellemond at CLC Winter School Week 1

IBEW, Industry News, Training
Posted on January 29, 2019 9:07 am


Stats from the labour movement....65% of Canadian Labour Council (CLC) endorsed Candidates were elected to board or council positions in 2018.  Let's keep trying, get involved in your community and ask us for help.  We're always here for you, and while all our members that ran were not successful in their campaigns they picked up some valuable knowledge and insights that they can share.

BC NDP has kept 75% of their platform promises.  No others have ever come close to delivering that.  They have included us in the development of upcoming major infrastructure projects while Liberal and Conservative left us behind causing the hard times many of ours have experienced over the last 3 years.

Do not fall into the trap of electing a different party and allowing them to take credit for what this party has been orchestrating and developing on our behalf since elected.  The BC NDP inherited a big mess to clean up.  The future is looking bright due to the BC NDP and the hard work and hard decisions they have had to make and kept us in mind along the way.

As we enjoy prescription drug coverage, many do not.  Please make this a main focus when you consider who you will support in the upcoming Federal election.  To many are being left behind and suffering in our society, a Federal NDP win will start to change this.  http://www.aplanforeveryone.ca

Acting in the betterment of those less fortunate is where and how the lesson of solidarity was learned.  Waiting until it affects you is to late.
If you feel you have something to offer this is one of those forums you can, if you are up to the challenge...

The next pic are great Canadians who are active in the labour movement that have won, lost, experienced in 2018 and are giving back to the labour movement.

Our very own IBEW Brother, Laird Cronk (New President of the BC Federation of Labour, podium), on stage with Adrian Dix (MLA Vancouver-Kingsway & Minister Of Health, right), and Jennifer Whiteside (BM Hospital Employees Union, middle)

Great rally at the event in support of our posties. Arbitration started with their union this week.

Helping find effective ways to dissect these early colonial beliefs and help change the core beliefs of those who still engage in oppression.