New Mine At Endako Now Operational

Industry News
Posted on February 17, 2012 8:39 am


Denver, Colorado – Thompson Creek Metals says it’s newly minted Endako Mine mill is up and running.

The miner says commissioning of the new facility is complete and commercial production got underway February 1st. So far, the company says things are looking good with the mill running at or above its capacity of 55,000 tons of ore per day. That’s a 77% jump in production over the old mill facility.

"We are extremely pleased to have achieved the full design tonnage for the new mill just 20 days into the commissioning and start-up process," says Kevin Loughrey, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thompson Creek.  "Our employees, contractors, and suppliers have performed an outstanding job meeting the many challenges necessary to reach operational and commercial production so quickly.

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