North will drive growth in British Columbia but all power will remain in Vancouver.

Industry News
Posted on March 20, 2012 11:17 am


Investment in natural resource, industrial and utility projects in northern B.C. will drive employment growth in several construction trades over the next few years.

However, northern construction will rely on workers relocating from the southern part of the province.

“One of the highest priority items for us out here is attracting workers to northern B.C.,” said Rosalind Thorn, president of the B.C. Construction Association North.

“Our main challenge is mobility. We need a way to get workers to regions in the province, where construction work is busy, instead of staying where activity is slower.”

The Construction Sector Council (CSC) released the B.C. labour market forecast, which describes forecasted changes in non-residential and residential construction employment between 2012 and 2020.

via North will drive growth in British Columbia – Journal of Commerce.