Shell Jackpine

Industry News
Posted on October 6, 2008 9:24 pm


If you choose to ignore this warning you will do so at your own peril under the Constitution Of the IBEW Our brothers from 424 provide us with a lot of employment opportunities so lets not hinder them in their efforts

Shell Canada Jackpine Mine Expansion – Fort McMurray

IBEW Local 424 and Shell Canada have entered into a Project Labour Agreement for the expansion work at the Scotford Refinery near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. We encourage all IBEW members from Canada and the United States to take job calls to our signatory contractors on the Scotford site as the calls come in. Shell Canada however has NOT reached an agreement with IBEW Local 424 for the Expansion work at the Albian or Jackpine Mine Expansions north of Fort McMurray Alberta. Shell Canada has communicated its position that this site will be a “managed-open” site and much of the work has been tendered to employers affiliated with the CLAC. In response, Local 424 will not be granting clearance to any members to work for non-IBEW affiliated contractors on the Shell Jackpine and Albian Mine Expansion.