Out of Jurisdiction Contractors and Name Requests

Posted on May 17, 2017 2:58 pm


If you don't know the ratios and numbers, please refer to the IBEW 993 Dispatch Rules.

A contractor that doesn't have an office in our jurisdiction is dealt with a little differently than those with an office in our jurisdiction.

Members that are cleared to an in jurisdiction contractor are cleared to the contractor's shop, which means that they can move from site to site for all jobs that are based out of that contractor's shop and within our jurisdiction.

Members that are cleared to an out of jurisdiction contractor are cleared to a specific site. When work is finished at the site that the member has been cleared to, they are laid off and cannot be moved to a different site.

If an out of jurisdiction contractor wants to move members from one site to another, those members must be put back on the out of work list and cleared according to the numbers and ratios of the site that they're being cleared to, following all dispatch rules. ThisĀ ensures that people aren't moved around and stacking a job beyond the ratios and numbers outlined in the IBEW 993 Dispatch Rules.