You better watch out! You better not shout! Santa Claus is coming to Unit II.

Canada, General, IBEW, Industry News, Meetings, Membership, Social, Uncategorized, Women's Committee
Posted on October 29, 2019 9:39 am


Santa (IBEW 993 member Chris Emery) will be in Kamloops on Saturday, November 30th, 2019 to visit with member's children to see if they have been naughty or nice between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

We will be making popsicle reindeer ornaments, Playing pin the nose on the reindeer and decorating cookies. We will have hot chocolate, coffee, and snacks
Please let us know if you have children that would like coming down to see Santa so we can ensure we have enough supplies for all the children and parents.

Parents are to bring a gift under $10 tagged with your child's name for Santa to give to your child.
To RSVP please contact   Mollie 1-778-470-5514 or Angie 1-778-538-3828

IBEW LU 993 Women's Committee is taking up a collection to go toward buying Christmas presents for the Children's at the Women's shelter. If you are stopping buy the hall and have an extra loonie or two please donate to make a child staying at the Women's Shelter Christmas brighter! There will be a donation Can in Dispatch :)and at the Children's Christmas Party.