Call Out Date: Next Business Day After Posting Start Date:
Request Received: Contractor: F&M Installations, Houle (other), Voith Hydro Location: LOA/Camp/LH: Hire Region: Agreement: Project Agreement Shift: Hours: Duration: Contractor did not specify Manpower Requested: Type of Work: Additional Information:
The Site C Dam is a project of BC Hydro for a large-scale earth fill hydroelectric dam on the Peace River near Fort St. John in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. The site is downstream from the existing W.A.C. Bennett and Peace Canyon dams. Designs call for an estimated peak capacity of approximately 1,100 MW, average output of 900 MW, and an annual output of 5,100 GWh of electricity. When completed, Site C will be the first large dam built in BC since 1984 and BC’s fourth largest producer of electricity.
Site C Evacuation Protocol Document
You can download the Evacuation Protocol Document from the Site C Downloads section of this website.
Turbines and Generators
Voith & F&M Installations
F&M Installations: 19 Days on and 9 days off, 10 Hours per day
Voith: 21 Days on and 7 Days off, 10 Hours per day
The workday shall be ten (10) hours with all hours paid at one point three-five times
(1.35X) the otherwise applicable straight time hourly rate as stated in the current Wage Schedule.
The workday shall be ten (10) hours with all hours paid at one point two-eight times
(1.28X) the otherwise applicable straight time hourly rate as stated in the current Wage Schedule.
Call Out Date: Next Business Day After Posting Start Date:
Request Received: Contractor: Chemco Electrical Contractors Ltd, F&M Installations, Fluor Contractors Canada Ltd, Houle (other), TL&T Electric Ltd Location: LOA/Camp/LH: Hire Region: Agreement: Project Agreement Shift: Hours: Duration: Contractor did not specify Manpower Requested: Type of Work: Additional Information:
Pre-Access Alcohol & Drug Testing
There will be a pre-access test before you are cleared to site. This test will be under the Canadian model and will be a urine test. Do NOT accept a position at this jobsite if you have not been clear of all substances for at least 60 days.
If you do not pass the pre-access test, you will not be cleared to this site.
Start dates may be tentative. It can take up to 28 days from receiving clear pre-access results to receive travel information.
Fluor Only
If you’re starting work with Fluor, please view the LNG Fluor Page for information specific to Fluor, in addition to the information on this page. View Fluor Info
Shift Information
Currently the shift is 14 days on and 7 days off, 10 hours per day.
Each day of work shall be compensated based upon a blended hourly rate. The first ten (10) hours worked shall be paid at one point one seven five (1.175) times the otherwise applicable straight time hourly rate as stated in the current Wage Schedule.
For more shift and wage information, please see the contractor specific page (if available) or Section 9 of the LNG Canada MOU in the Job Related Downloads (link below).
Name Request / List Hires
The contractor may name request 100 percent of supervision (Foremen and General Foremen), the first three non-supervision workers, and fifty percent of the remaining workers from the local union. Refer to 6.10 and 6.11 for further clarification.
No Jumping/Raiding
Employees who voluntarily terminate their position (quit) shall be denied access to the project for thirty calendar days. See 7.01 for further clarification.
Job Requirements
Excessive walking and climbing. You must be able to walk long distances as well as climb stairs, ladders, scaffolding (Excessive Stairs 100 to 160 feet).
Industrial experience is a must
Government photo ID
Valid Driver’s License
Skills Certifications
Fall Arrest
WHMIS 2015
Industrial Experience
All new hires must be clean shaven
The contractor will inform you whether or not your will be required to bring tools during your onboarding. View the IBEW 993 Tool List
About the Project
LNG Canada is a large industrial energy project to build and operate an LNG liquefaction, storage and loading terminal in the port of Kitimat, BC, in order to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) produced by the project’s partners in the Montney Formation gas fields of British Columbia, near Dawson Creek, B.C. Read More on Wikipedia
Flight Hubs
Flights are provided from the pre-determined flight hubs. Charter flights provided from:
14/7 Rotation
Prince George
20/8 Rotation
St Johns
There are NO flights for IBEW members out of any flight hub on a 20/8 rotation at this time. The 20/8 flight hubs exist to due difficulties with sourcing other trades. Once there are 20/8 shifts set up for electricians, we will start sending requests to locals outside of Western Canada. If you cannot use a flight 14/7 flight hub, do not accept a position at this job site.
Information on travel compensation to your closest travel hub can be found in the LNG Downloads.
Park & Ride provided from Kitimat for Kitimat residents ONLY. Park & Ride available from Terrace for residents only. Parking Passes request information will be provided by the onboarding team.
Hwy 37 at Oolichan Avenue, 5 km north of Kitimat, looking North (elevation: 46 metres)
View Current Weather Conditions
In Kitimat, the summers are comfortable and mostly cloudy; the winters are long, very cold, and overcast; and it is wet year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from -3°C to 23°C and is rarely below -12°C or above 29°C
Call Out Date: Next Business Day After Posting Start Date:
Request Received: Contractor: F&M Installations, Houle (other) Location: LOA/Camp/LH: Hire Region: Agreement: Inside Electrical Workers Collective Agreement Shift: Hours: Duration: Contractor did not specify Manpower Requested: Type of Work: Additional Information:
The Mica Dam is a hydroelectric dam spanning the Columbia River 135 kilometres north of Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada, as one of three Canadian projects built under the terms of the Columbia River Treaty. Completed in 1973 under the terms of the 1964 Columbia River Treaty, the Mica powerhouse has a generating capacity of 1,805 megawatts (MW). The dam is operated by BC Hydro. The Mica Dam, named after the nearby settlement of Mica Creek and its associated stream in turn named because of the abundance of mica minerals in the area, is one of the largest earthfill dams in the world. The reservoir for the dam is Kinbasket Lake, which was created when the dam was built. Water below the dam flows south directly into Revelstoke Lake, the reservoir for the Revelstoke Dam. The dam’s underground powerhouse was the second largest in the world at the time of its construction, and was the first 500 kV installation of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) insulated switchgear in the World. It is also the dam farthest up the Columbia River.
G.M. Schrum Generating Station at W.A.C. Bennett Dam
Call Out Date: Next Business Day After Posting Start Date:
Request Received: Contractor: F&M Installations Location: LOA/Camp/LH: Hire Region: Agreement: Inside Electrical Workers Collective Agreement Shift: Hours: Duration: Contractor did not specify Manpower Requested: Type of Work: Additional Information:
The W. A. C. Bennett Dam is a large hydroelectric dam on the Peace River in northern British Columbia, Canada. At 183 metres (600 ft) high, it is one of the world’s highest earth fill dams. Construction of the dam began in 1961 and culminated in 1968. At the dam, the Finlay, the Parsnip and the Peace Rivers feed into Williston Lake, also referred to as Williston Reservoir. It is the third largest artificial lake in North America (after the Smallwood Reservoir and Manicouagan) as well as the largest body of fresh water in British Columbia. Williston Lake runs 250 kilometres north-south and 150 kilometres east-west.
F&M Installations, Western Pacific Enterprises
14 Days on and 7 days off, 10 hours per day.
Refer to the Inside Wireman’s Agreement, Article III 304 (f)